martes, 29 de abril de 2008



Otavalo is two hours north of Quito. It is at an elevation of 2560 meters above sea level. It has a population of 56.286 hab people. Otavalo is a small town with an impressive Saturday market which serves two purposes: buying food and other necessities for locals and crafts for the tourists.
The Otavalo crafts can be found in almost every city in Ecuador and a wide range of countries around the world. There are two impressive volcanoes visible from Otavalo, Cotacachi (4939m) and Imbabura (4650m) that are the subjects of several legends told by the indigenous people. In the market, one is able to buy many things, ranging from tapestries to jewelry to dolls. During the year there are two big parties that take place in Otavalo, Inti Raymi and Yamor. Otavalo is very rich in culture and the surrounding areas are among the most beautiful in Ecuador.


Cuenca is founded by Spaniards on April 12 of 1557, near the Inca`s settlement of Tomebamba. The original city name is Santa Ana de los Cuatro rios de Cuenca, Cuenca is Located in the province of Azuay, austral zone at 2550 meters above sea level. Cuenca is one of the most beautiful cities of Ecuador. It is located in the south of this country. It has a population of 450000 people. Its known by its cultural and landscape wealth. It has four rivers; Tomebamba, Yanuncay, Tarqui and Machángara. It is known too by its beautiful downtown, La cathedral Vieja (1567) church and the Parque Calderón, San Francisco Church, El Carmen monastery
Also it has many museums, galleries, handicrafts places, and a lot of nature for example near to Cuenca is The National Park of Cajas is very beautiful and interested with many flora and fauna some specie endemics of park


Cuenca is more crowded than Otavalo
Cuenca has more museums than Otavalo
Both has a similar nature
Otavalo is more touristic city than Cuenca
Cuenca is more expensive city than Otavalo
Both has a similar altitude
Both has a ethnic culture
Both has a lakes near the city
End of my Homework

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