This city has 165.000 habitans, it's smaller than Cuenca, because now Cuenca has 450.000 habitans, but Cuenca and Cajamarca has a historical center and the historical center of Cajamarca is the colonial an baroque style, but in Cuenca the more quantity of houses are the republic style, in Cuenca only there are 4 or 5 houses of colonial style.
Cajamarca is as importan how Cuenca, Quito, Macchupinchu, etc, because in all cities lived the cañari culture and inca culture, and this cultures built a lot of buildings that now tell us our history and our roots; for exmple in Cajamarca was killed Atahualpa and until now in this city there is the room that was filled by gold and silver how rescue of Atahualpa.
Near of the city, there is a hill named Santa Apolonia....
Also, this city is crossed by a river named San Lucas, similari to Cuenca, but Cuenca has 4 rivers and a lot of bridges that crossed the city, but in Cajamarca only there are 6 bridges; and similari to Cuenca, Cajamarca is surrounded by mountain chain of the Andes...
Cajamarca is the capital of the perivian carnival... in this festivities there are dancing, and there are a mix of the traditional with the modern....
Cuenca and Cajamarca in much aspects are very similar, for exmaple both have a lot of beautiful churches with impressive architecture, and both are historical cities that tell us their history, culture, etc.
1 comentario:
This is a good comparision because Perú and Ecuador have lots of similarities and we have the same ancestors.
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